Thursday 5 May 2011

Prime Evil

Representation of gender
The extract was screened four times. It opens up with a woman and a man standing opposite each other the rule of 180 degree was used because they were looking at each other while talking. The over the shoulder shot was used to concentrate on the woman who was talking to the man. She seemed emotional and she had tears in her eyes. The connotation of that could be that it is a stereotypical for women to get emotional very easily over things and show it. When the women walks away to her car the camera pans at two people sitting down and one of them responded to woman's action by telling the other man to leave her alone so she can calm down. This show how men are typical and the connotation of this might be that they think women over react to certain things.
The camera cuts from one scene to another where we see a woman in the machine controlling it, it is a typical blond young lady which we can see by the medium close up however she is not seemed as one. In this scene the woman is not seemed as stereotypical because she does the man's job and also this might suggest she is strong and independent.
During this scene we can see a male character all in mud walking past the girl in the machine carrying some wood in his hands it is a medium shot.
A close up on the hand in in the ground and straight away we can see how the male character responses to it his eyes wide open looking rather scared and shocked he uses his body language to alert the female to stop the machine so he can take a closer look at it.
All of the sudden we see a huge animal in this scene attacking the male the female character Abbey takes control which is not a stereotypical and she attracts the animal's attention. This shows how she is fearless and is not scared of anything and the connotation of this could be how women are getting more independent now days and how they start to wear the trousers in the whole process rather than allowing the man to do everything.  There is non diegetic and diegetic sound used this is when the music gets louder and louder to alert the audience of the danger that the characters are in. Also the diegetic sound was used which was the sound of the animal showing his frustration towards the characters. The camera rotates/pans during the fight between the animal and the woman. This is to show how the animal is jumping from one place to another and attacks the human. The camera then focuses on the male character and the medium long shot is used who tries to save the date (hero) by calling the animal over so it can leave the girl alone and he can deal with it. She didn't save the day and the connotation of this might be that she is not as strong as we pictured her to be and maybe there is something stereotypical about her after all.
The animal follows the male character who runs towards the tree. The high angle is used from the male character's point of view. For example while on the tree to show he has the power over the animal which is on the ground attacking him.
The cut jump is used of the male climbing the rope and suddenly in the next shot he is all ready half way.  This shows how editing is used to speed things up and have the audience focusing on whats really important rather than worrying about him going up there slow or fast. The continuity shot was used when the male character slides down the trope attached to two ends of the trees so he can get across to the other end to escape from the monster. Also the connotation of this shot might be that the audience focuse on the man and observe him to see how brave he is.
The next scene takes place when we see few people walking at first we only see few male characters including a guy who wears a pink top and a hat , the connotation of this might be that he is homosexual and other people walking along with him are his team groups. We see the blond woman walking last and the camera only shows her after all the male characters are shown this might suggest that men are taking over the control and are overpowering over women.
Also another example of this is when men are talking and seems like they know a lot about the hidden hand in the ground whereas the lady is not talking a lot.  The camera then rotates around the man in the suit so we can concentrate on him and what he is saying. Two male characters then run off to save the situation which seems to be the guy in pink also. (maybe he is not what we take him for)
Towards the end of the extract there is a scene where a stereotypical woman dressed in more of a evening gown talking to a simple male character inside the shed who looks like a farmer and is hard working. She threats him to make a complaint about someone otherwise she will get him into trouble for breeding the animals illegally. The male characters walks off and picks up the gun where the woman's response is typical a medium close up of her face reveals she is scared  tries to calm the man down however it doesn't seem to work. A high angle is used to show the man standing above the woman who is on the floor trying to persuade the man to stop.

1 comment:

  1. WWW - Good analysis of editing, camera movement.
    EBI - Watch out for small details in the clip.

    Good work.
