Tuesday 3 May 2011

Hotel Babylon

Representation of ethnicity: The ethnicity was represented in many different ways and different races were shown. Asian male was shown and we could tell he comes from that background because oh his accent which we heard in the dialogue while talking to the british male. There was also other different races who were illegal immigrants and were kept away in the basement in the hotel so no one sees them. 

Editing:the editing plays a big part to create a meaning and in this extract few fast cuts were used in actions to make the audience feel the pressure the characters were in at that time. Lighting was bright , natural however in the hiding place there was light used to make the place bright so the audience could see the characters faces. 
Camera shots/angles:180 degree rule was used at the beginning of the extract where the police man / detective walked in and spoke to the receptionist showing her his ID. we could see that the lady was nervous and looked suspitious but she didn't show it and kept her face straight to remain calm. 
A close up on asian man's face showing his face expression while talking to the british male was shown. The asian character was a security guard which is a typical job for an asian man. He looked like he wanted to avoid the conversation with the other character and he changed the topic. he looked uncomfortable and we could tell this by the look on his face. This could tell the audience a bit more about the asian character and might have something to do with him later on in the scene. 
Sound:there was a non diegetic sound used.  
Mise en scene:

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