Thursday 10 February 2011

Cranford Analyses

The camera shots used in the episode of Cranford were mainly long shot, close up, and wide shot. The editing was very old styled , dull, no bright colours to show the times they were in and to set the atmosphere. The sound used in the episode was digetic and there wasn't really any background music used apart of the dialogue between the women who spoke in old English refering to each other by Mrs , the cat's sound when choking and the birds singing in the background. 
The characters represented in the episode where mostly women and their costumes were long dresses covering their whole body which were not very colourful in fact they were quite dull and boring. The two women that we get introduced to at the beginning seemed to be a working class background due to the fact that they were in the small house which was very dark ,not a lot of lights used and one of them mention she had a cow she treated like a family. This shows that she is an average working class woman , quite poor.
Another character who we get introduced to is a lady who gets carried in some sort of a carry box who seems to be quite bossy the way she speaks to the men who carry her , her talk is very demanding. The camera shot during the scene between the two ladies who are running next to her with the cat in the basket due to the fact that he choked and they needed to get some help , the lady in the carry box is shown from the point of view which could suggest that she belong to the upper class the way she looks down on them while they are running and the way she spoke in a posh way to them.
In the area were the two women lived we see two children who seem to be quite poor the way they look and the young girl carrying perhaps her sibling who was a baby shows that they don't really fit into the picture with the other characters that were represented in the episode.

1 comment:

  1. www descriptive but well observed

    ebi need to focus now on understanding how media languages are used to construct a representation.
