Monday 11 October 2010

Analyses of Thursday's lesson

On Thursday we have been given a task to do which involved group work. In groups of five we had to make few short scenes from the script we had to make earlier on. My group planned what we going to do step by step  planning carefully the number of shots we had to consider in order to make it relevant with the script and effective at the same time. Once we planned our scenes we had to also record what the other group was doing in order to get an idea of each others work. After this we have began to do our scenes. I have to admit that at the beginning it was a bit of a struggle as we didn't know if the shot we chosen will work as well as we wanted to but after trying out different things we finally got some of the work done. At the end we run out of time but i think the whole lesson was very useful and i have learned allot.
The whole idea of this lesson was to practice before we go off and make our own movie which i found useful.

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