Thursday 30 September 2010

Analyses of day's lessons

In today's lesson we have learned how to position the camera in the right angle in order to get the right shot we are aiming for. We have discussed the 180% rule and we also have used it. We have used loads of equipment such as camera, lights, tripods and laptops in order to see what picture we are trying to get. I have learned more about how to shoot an affective shot relevant to the scene we are trying to represent and also how to use viority of different shots.
We have used 4 different people two at the time to look at the lights and the way they are positioned on the characters. We have also used a camera and moved it around the characters so they didnt have to move. This was very helpful as we can have many different angles ans shots without the characters moving just operating the camera.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Analyses of ''City of God''

On Tuesday's lesson we have watched an opening scene of "City of God". The opening of the scene was very dark and the titles appear in white writing. No music at first just the writing on the black background. The connotation of the scene is when the scene opens and we see a knife that someone is holding and sharpening it.  We start to think that some strange thinks are happening and at first we not so sure what is going on. That's when we come across the enigma code because it keeps us concentrated on the scene and makes as want to know what is going to happen next and why is the moment shown relevant.
When seeing the opening of the scene the audience get an idea of disequilibrium as we can see the knife being sharped which doesn't feel like something positive will appear next. After short time the audience start to get a more positive understanding of the scene as equilibrium comes up which is the positive music in the background suggesting that the knife doesn't appear to us or its not going to affect our attention in the wrong way. Within the scene there are many different shots and angles used in order to make bigger impression on us. There is extreme close up used just at the beginning of the scene of the knife being sharped which makes us feel a bit scared or unsure of what to expect next also there are few flashes within the shot so we get an impression of fear. Another shot used in the scene was a close up on the chicken and the vegetables being sliced which gave a bit more understand of what was going on. Another shot that we come across during these few minutes of watching the scene is a wide shot of the area and a close up on the chicken again looking around. The first scene of the "City of God" really concentrates and shows the audience the chicken as main part of it and we watch it carefully once is being chased. For this moment the big close ups and wide shots has been used the most in order to show the chicken being chased as a main part and the people who actually want to catch the chicken. I also noticed that there has been few long shots used in order to get the audience a bit more familiar with the area that the scene took place in. Also the shot angle was a birds eye so we could see it from above. This might be because we need a better understanding of what kind of people are they that appear there and why they care so much about the chicken and maybe to find out something about their culture. 
Just at the very end of the scene we see a chicken in the middle between a group of people and a boy standing trying to catch the chicken. At this point we can tell that there are bad people in the group opposite as they hold the guns against the boy on the other side. This can mean trouble and it can be life threatening for the boy standing or the chicken. The denotation of the scene can be that there is some violence involved and the knife at the beginning of the scene might be the best example of it. The whole scene has made me think os what to expect next and if the chicken can symbolise anything.

Monday 27 September 2010

Script opening -Order

Wide shot of the room- white walls with two identical black sofas opposite each other and a table in the middle only. On the table an ashtray and a coffee,a guy (Tom) sitting  in the right corner of the sofa silent smoking a cigarette ,waiting for someone to enter the room.

A close up on the guy's (Jack) shoes entering the room slowly. Jack take a seat on the opposite black sofa in the right corner opposite Tom

Tom puts the cigarette down and makes a phone call (close up on the phone) for a minute Tom holds the phone and says with a deep angry voice:

''He is here''

And he puts the phone down.

Jack with a scared look takes his cigarettes out of his pocket and places on the table. Tom is watching Jack very closely who asks:
 ''Can I smoke?'' no reply from Tom just a mysterious scary look

Jack again puts his hand in the pocket in order to light up the cigarette. Big close up on the Jack's and Tom's face at the same time. 

Jack takes a puff and looks at Tom. Mysterious silent carries on as both characters stare at each other. After a short while Jack asks:

''What's the order for today Tom? Do you want me to get rid off the judge or maybe we sort out the little mafia boss from the village?'' 

Tom replies:
'' Non of them son''

A big close up on Jack's face who seems a bit angry when Tom calls him son.
Jack replies:
'I'm not your son''

Tom put his hand in the pocket and takes out a sheet of paper.
He says:
''Thats your order for today''
 Tom takes a zip of coffee and stands up. While he is standing up Jack is staring closely at him again looking a bit confused and unsure. Tom leaves the room and the door shuts.
Jack who is looking a bit unsure takes the paper, takes a close look, reads it and sets it on fire.After that he places the paper in the ashtray, puts his cigarette down as well takes a zip of Tom's coffee and leaves too. Extreme close up on the paper burning and Jack leaving. 

Kidulthood analyses.

The opening of the British drama Kidulthood is very mysterious because of the settings and the way the different shots are used. At first we hear voices talking and screaming loudly before the actual picture is shown. First  think that comes up is a close up on the football that a boy is playing with. The picture comes with slow motion. The scene is set in school and we can see students standing outside. (wide shot) There is music played in the background which is dramatic to set the audience in the right mood. Throwout the scene there is a boy shown with a big close up wearing goggles and operating a drilling machine, he is only shown for a moment but he comes up again. This might suggest that we should concentrate on him as he might be something suspicious.
The   scene is set on the dark, cold day because of the clothing the students wear, it might be an autumn.
Variety of wide shots are used in order to show the type of environment the scene is set in and also to show the  students and their actions which is them talking to each other. There are loads of them shown but a big close up is used on couple of students to show that they might be the main characters that we should concentrate on further in the next scenes.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Six shot scene

Me and my group were working on the 6 shot scene. We had to use different shots in order to show different angles of the characters. The whole idea was to create a scene but to stick with the rules. The whole video was silent. 
After we finished the video we had to answer few questions:
  • What did you find most difficult in planning?
I think the most difficult thing was to think about what the scene will be about and how to put in on the paper. 
Also once we planned it, we found a bit difficult to search for the game that we needed for the shot.
  • What was the most successful part of your planning?
I think we got on well and after short period of time we knew what we going to make the scene about.
  • What was the effect of the restrictions of having no dialogue to tell the story?
At the beginning it was a bit stressful but we managed to do it ok.
  • What did you learn from editing the film?
I think i enjoyed this part the most i learned a lot such as how to make the scene darker or mute the sound completely and now i know how to edit the movie. 
  • What will you do differently next time?
I think next time i will think about drawing the plan first and then using more shots to make a greater affect.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Media homework

This week we have been asked to look at the British TV drama of our choice and to analyse the way it has been set.
I have looked at EastEnders and analysed the following:

  • Shot/size angles
  • mise en scene 
  • sound
  • editing
Shot/size angles- there was loads of shots and size angles used such as long shot,medium close up,big close up,close up, over the shoulder ,low. They were used in order to show exact moment or place that the scene took place so the audience get a better understanding of message that is being delivered.

Sound- There were some moments when the sound was loud and clear and there was loads of background music used.

Mise en scene- the scenes took place in the village and mostly outside but also inside the houses. There was loads of many different costumes used for men and woman also different make up depending on the character and the role they were playing.

Editing- At the beginning  of the episode  titles were used in order to show the name of the drama that is being watched by the audience. Also I came across the company's name being shown that made the drama.

Monday 13 September 2010

Homework 14.09.2010

For this week we have been asked to record our use of media outside the media lessons.
Throughout the four days i have definitely used media alot.  I have listened to music on my way home or anywhere i was going in oder to entertain myself in the places i found a bit boring eg: buses or trains. I have also used media while staying at home like watching my favorite channels on TV with family and I have noticed that media helps us interact with each other as we can discuss it and it's sort of entertainment too. In my spare time when i don't study of course I also use my laptop to go on different sites eg: Facebook,  Twitter , YouTube where I listen to music or watch videos or talk with my fiends  in my spare time.
Last but not least i also use my mobile alot so it's media too which allows me to contact with other people and send messages across to them. I also have access to internet which makes it easier as i can use it while going to school or just going out.
Over the four days (Friday-Monday) i have noticed that media helps me to entertain myself and others around me as i have noticed loads of people use it in their everyday life. Media can also teach and show which is really good as we need all those thinks. I noticed that anywhere i go and whatever i do everything around me involves media.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Second lesson of Media

In today's lesson we have been introduced to different aspects of the TV episode which was a drama episode that we have watched.

We have analysed the way the camera is positioned in order to make a good shot of the things or characters that take a part in it. These are the things that has to be considered while filming:

  • focus
  • location/set
  • wardrobe and make up
  • lighting- position ,make sure is the right angle
  • body language of the character, eye line ,performance
  • shot size and angle which come with different sizes such as: cu, mcu,ms,ws,bcu depending on the scene and place that is shown. 

First lesson of Media

In my first lesson of Media we have covered the three different sections of it. We have also learned the difference between each one of them. They divide into three sections:
-Print media - newspapers,magazines
-E media -internet, tv,radio,social networking
-Audio-visual -radio, films/cinema

Our teacher gave us a task to do which was to create an account on the Gmail in order to move on to the next task. I have to admit that this was a bit of a challenge as i couldn't create the account. This might sound funny but the system didn't let me because of the fault that has occurred. At the end i have done everything at home and i was ready for the next lesson.