Tuesday 14 December 2010

Review of the whole project so far

Some plans did not go as well as we wanted them to due to some interruptions. As a group we had to cancel  few meeting sessions because of emergencies, characters missing, and having other important plans that were the priority. I have to admit that at the beginning the group was a bit disorganised as this is the first time we actually filming so we were not sure of how to manage our time and everything else that comes along with it.
However this tuesday which happens to be today we have decided to go off and finally shoot something so we can work on it over the next few days after the holiday. Hopefully everyone will be there and once we set everything up we will be able to succeed with some work being done and finish the rest as soon as possible.

Call sheet

Call Sheet

Filming For Scene 1 - Flashback House

Cast. Location. From - To (am/pm) Characters. 

House  - 9pm - 10pm Main Survivor

House 9pm - 10pm Flashback Female

Filming For Scene 2 - Survivors Camp

Cast. Location. From - To (am/pm) Character.

Overgrown Field 11am - 6 pm Main Survivor

Overgrown Field 11am  - 6 pm Main Survivor

Overgrown Field 11am - 6 pm Main Survivor

Filming tuesday 14th December

After four previous attempts at fiming and discussing every other possible date to do it but to no avail. Extra measures and decisions have been taken to ensure that filming is finished today.

Firstly, all cast and crew have been reminded numerous times where they are needed, at what time, to play what part and for how long.
Secondly, the decisions has been made that no matter who does or does not turn up, as much filming as possible will be done today. Even if main characters are unable to take part, filming will still take place and instead, modify whatever has been changed in the planning work afterwards.
Thirdly, all props, costumes and equipment are organized so that as little amount of time as possible is needed to set up for filming and more time can actually be placed into filming.


Throughout our opening scene we choose to have sounds that are relevant to our theme and to create an thriller atmosphere. We also choose to have sounds to replace the dialogue which we have kept very limited in order to make the movie more interesting when it is viewed


The sounds that we will be using towards the end of the scene 2 (forest) is based on the film The Road soundtrack. This is because the music that is used is very effective which is what we wanted in our film.


We also wanted to use sounds that are based on some of the objects that we will be present in our opening scene. The sounds listed below are going to be used to help set the scene as well as creating the atmosphere that we were going for.

  • Crackling of the fire
  • Wind Blowing
  • Crunching of leave or stick

Other Sounds

There will be use of other sounds that we will be using while filming. These will be more to do with scene 1 (house/flashback) which are shown below.
  • Background noise from the TV (music may be used instead of this but we haven't come up with any so far)
As a group we will choose the sounds which best fit with our theme and story itself to make sure that is effective as possible. We will download these off
of a website that does non-copyright sounds and music or we may choose to make the sounds by ourselves depending on what we all want and what would work best.

Prop list

Scene 1.

  • Candles to create the romantic mood and provide ambient lighting for the scene.
  • Clothing consists only of casual wear for Andreas and Ellie.
The scene being as short as it is and being set in a normal house, not many props are required other than what is already there.

Scene 2.

  • Small Weathered Tent, set up in the camping area. Daniel, Frankie and Joe will be sleeping in this tent when Andreas wakes them up to leave towards the end of this scene.
  • Camping Light, placed inside the Tent. Provides a small amount of light and is used turned on when Andreas wakes everyone up to leave.
  • Camping Stool, set up outside the tent. Andreas will be sitting on this stool when he is looking at the Old Weathered Photo.
  • Old Weathered Photo of Andreas and Ellie, taken of them before the event. Burnt, dirtied and ripped, the photo is made to look significantly old.
  • Bag of Assorted Batteries and an Old Torch for Andreas to look through when he hears the noises in the surrounding forest and needs light to investigate.
  • Old and Empty Food Cans placed around the campsite to give the impression of scavenging and survival.
  • Characters Bags placed next to the tent containing all of their equipment etc
  • Characters Weapons including a crowbar, a shovel, trench shovel and a hammer placed around the campsite to give impression that there is danger enough present to require significant protection.
  • Sleeping Bags in which Daniel, Frankie and Joe will be sleeping in while Andreas is sat outside on guard.

All of the characters will have assorted costume consisting of,
  • Military/Industrial Boots. Black in colour, large and covered in dirt. Weathered to show that they have been on for a long time.
  • Camouflage Trousers and Jeans. Dirtied and scruffy to show that they have been used for a long time.
  • Large Jackets and/or Jumpers with hoods attached, also dirtied and weathered for the same effect.
  • Gloves, Scarfs and other assorted Winter Wear to show that it is significantly below temperature.
  • Gas Masks, work only by Andreas in the start of Scene Two but worn by all towards the end as they leave. These give mixed messages to the audience in the film intro. It gives the impression that there is reason to wear gas masks, possibility of background radiation or some other kind of danger.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Main characters



These are the main characters we have chosen for our movie.


These are the pictures of the location that we are going to film in. We have chosen this place because it suits the theme from the movie and also we found it interesting.